This course covers the latest amendments to Financial Advisers Act (FAA) and Financial Advisers Regulations (FAR) as well as the FAA Notices and Guidelines in respect of Recommendations on Investment Products. It is specially designed for Trading Representatives who were exempted from taking CMFAS Module 5 and had completed non-examinable course on Module 5, to have better understanding on provision of execution-related advice. 

This course focuses on the statutory requirements of providing execution related advice and legal implications of providing financial advice without reasonable basis and will cover the following areas:

• Updates on changes to Financial Advisers Act and Financial Advisers Regulations
• Representative Notification Framework (RNF)
• Appointed Representative and Provisional Representative
• Notification Procedure
• Power Of The MAS To Refuse Entry Or Revoke Or Suspend Status Of Appointed Representative
• MAS Notice No: FAA-N16 On Recommendations On Investment Products
• Guidelines On Conduct Of Business For Execution-Related Advice (Guideline No: FAA-G08)
• Retaking Of CMFAS Module 5

SGX-Training Credits

Continuing Education Credit will be awarded upon successful completion (3 Hours = 1 Training Credit)
This online course is eligible for both SFA CPD & FAA CPD hrs. 


Mr. Chong Lock Kuah, CFA

Mr Chong is a trading representative/registered representative at UOB Kay Hian Pte Ltd. Mr Chong graduated from University of London (Queen Mary College) with an honours degree in Mechanical Engineering in June 1981 and earned his CFA designation in 2003. He is currently an associate faculty at SIM University teaching BSc (Finance) undergraduate programmes and also a part-time lecturer at NUS Business School. Mr Chong also taught FICS Accredited courses at Financial Training Institute@ SMU and has been teaching CFA Level 2 Examination Review Courses at CFA Singapore since 2004. Mr Chong has more than 10 years’ experience in teaching finance and investment related courses.  Mr Chong conducts on a regular basis, in-house preparatory courses for Capital Markets & Financial Advisory Services (CMFAS) examination as well as in-house Continuing Education Programmes for Foreign Investment Banks and Stock Broking Firms since 2004. Mr Chong conducted “Option Trading” course for Bursa Malaysia in 2011 before the exchange launched the option contract on crude palm oil futures.

Course Curriculum

  • 1
    Financial Advisers Act (FAA) & Financial Advisers Regulations (FAR)
    • Introduction (1 min)
    • Content (45 min)
    • Summary Page (9 min)
    • Assessment (10 min)
  • 2
    Launch of Representative Notification Framework (RNF)
    • Introduction (1 min)
    • Content (30 min)
    • Summary Page (9 min)
    • Assessment (20 min)
  • 3
    Notice on Recommendations on Investment Products
    • Introduction (1 min)
    • Content (45 min)
    • Summary Page (9 min)
    • Assessment (20 min)

Fee: Contact Us (No GST)

90 days' unrestricted use